End Of Tenancy Cleaning Rochdale OL11

end of tenancy cleaning

At our company, we carry out reliable and cost-effective end of tenancy cleaning, hundreds of tenants, landlords, and real estate agencies across Rochdale, OL11 have taken advantage of. The high demand for our services is hardly surprising as we offer moderate rates, fair quotes, and work around the clock to further our customers’ convenience.

We have interviewed hundreds of cleaners to select the best of the best, so that only reliable, committed and competent individuals made it on our team. The cleaners will dust your furniture (nooks and crevices included), sweep, mop, vacuum, disinfect bathrooms and degrease kitchen surfaces. If you have some other requirements, do share them with us – we readily comply with our customers’ demands!

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Price
Studio Flat from £89
One Bedroom Flat from £149
Two Bedroom Flat from £169
Three Bedroom Flat from £194

Call us at 0161 850 0952 and book your service or GET A FREE QUOTE

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    Tenancy Cleaning Services in Rochdale


    If you want to be sure that your property will be cleaned perfectly and thoroughly, we invite you to call our company for help with your end of tenancy cleaning service. Our cleaners are experienced, they are well equipped and will come with thorough check lists for each room.

    You can customise the lists, or you can let our cleaners do their jobs and just enjoy the final result. Choose our end of tenancy cleaning service, because it is second to none in Rochdale, OL11, and we have very budget friendly prices. We guarantee you 100% satisfaction with our service, or a free re-cleaning.

    I am very happy to recommend this company’s end of tenancy cleaning service to all other tenants like me, who want to get their lodgings cleaned and get their deposits back, but do not want to spend a lot of money on the service. This is the company for you! They are the best! -Cameron

    End of Tenancy Cleaners OL11


    If your lease agreement is coming to its end and you need the place to be sanitised effectively use the cleaning services which our company provides. Our end of tenancy cleaning services are at your disposal in Rochdale, OL11 every day of the week. We guarantee you properly and effectively conducted work which will ensure your deposits back.

    Call us to book the service and receive effective and professional work which brings excellent results. The cleaning includes front doors, sills, furniture, floors, appliances, bathroom areas, tiles and other items. Call us to book additional cleaning services you might need.

    We Offer End Of Tenancy Cleaning in Other Areas Of Manchester

    Guaranteed End of Tenancy Cleaning Rochdale OL11


    Getting your deposit back is easy when you book the end of tenancy cleaning services our dedicated and hard-working cleaners carry out across Rochdale, OL11 and the surrounding boroughs. They can clean your entire rented property from top to bottom in no time because they boast years of experience in the trade.

    We aim to make a lasting impression on customers, which is why we let them know the cost upfront. On that note, our rates are budget-friendly and we never surprise with hidden fees. All equipment and detergents are provided by the company. You can pick a slot for a day you find convenient as we are available throughout the week. Booking us is easy – just use our online contact form!

    Other Cleaning Services We Offer in Rochdale:

    Call us now: 0161-850-0952

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